Intermountain Smiles

Mothers Day Promotion

Nominate Someone Special for a Mother’s Day Veneer Smile Makeover!

  • Nominate a mother who you think would benefit from a smile makeover of up to 10 crowns/veneers. 
  • They must have good oral hygiene and demonstrate a history of taking care of their teeth and a willingness to maintain the new smile with regular checkups by a dentist of their choice.
  • The first step is a video conference with a team member to do an initial evaluation and Q & A. 
  • The next step is an in-office consultation (no charge).
  • The smile makeover is for up to 10 crowns/veneers. If any additional treatment is needed as part of that (root canals, etc) there may be a cost. Extensive treatment like implants are outside the scope of this giveaway.
  • All scheduled treatment and follow-up appointments must be kept.
  • The person selected (and the nominating individual) must agree to be part of a promotional video with before/after photos/video/testimonial.
  • We ask the person selected (and the nominating individual) to share positive reviews on social media platforms.

Fill out the form below or call us today. Our team is ready to help!

*All fields are required for a successful submission.